Snowflakes and Rockets: A Sojourner’s Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Snowflakes and Rockets: A Sojourner’s Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

I watched the gentle flakes of snow fall outside our window on Wednesday night, their small flittering arcs illuminated by a solitary grey streetlight. I recalled the hushed white specks falling on my nose dozens of times as my wife and I were living in Kyiv, the city of her birth. As peaceful snowflakes fell on our apartment roof in the suburbs of Chicago, Russian rockets fell on the cities where our ministry partners, friends, and family dwell.

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Storytelling Principles

  1. Enjoy the journey.
    Don’t miss the exquisite sights along the way. Often the journey is more valuable than the destination. Storytelling is exploring, not just recording. Wander. Process over product—though both matter. Live first, storytell second. Storytelling is living, but...

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What is Art? Or, The Shalom of Storytelling

Art is culture enlivened: everything from the teapots we use to the chairs we sit on, the paintings on our walls to the novels on our bookshelves, the clothing we wear to the music we hear on the radio, the movies we watch to the structures we live in. Art functions as storytelling, the art of connecting...

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On Priesthood & A Theology of Culture

This essay will examine the biblical doctrine of priesthood and its correlation to a robust theology of culture. First, an examination of the Old Testament and New Testament passages that form a biblical theology of priesthood will be offered. Second, a survey of the relationship between...

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Moon Child

Tatiana’s eyes peered into the darkness between her cabin and the outhouse. The orange moon looked down on the woods that stretched for kilometers in all directions, echoing with the distant gurgle of frogs and the coos of night owls, whispers of the...

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The Art of Type

“The spoon and the letter are tools,” noted iconic type designer Adrian Frutiger, “One to take food from the bowl, the other to take information off the page... When it is a good design, the reader has to feel comfortable because the letter is both banal and beautiful.” Typography is what...

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